
Syllabus Statements

Common Syllabus Statements Policy

The new Common Syllabus Statements Policy, effective December 19, 2023, includes updated required and recommended statements for CCRI course syllabi.

The Syllabus Policy requires that:

  • Course syllabus be distributed to students at or before the end of the first day of class.
  • All faculty members – full-time and adjunct – are required to provide a copy of their syllabus (either electronically or in paper form) for each course they are assigned to teach to their department chair before the first day of class...

Common Syllabus

Required Statements

Instructors may arrange the syllabus into their prefered order.

Course and Instructor Information

Course Information

  • Course number and section:


  • Semester and year:
  • Credit hours:
  • Instructor name:

Instructor Contact Information

  • Class location information (Room #, meeting time, etc.)
  • Email: (CCRI email)
  • Office: (Campus location, room number, (virtual meeting))
  • Office Phone: (other phone numbers, if used)
  • Office Hours (required)/Student Help Hours (optional addition):
  • Departmental Administrative Support (if available):
  • Name, Phone number and Email

Course Description

As approved by the Curriculum Review Committee and appear in the course catalog

  • Course Prerequisites/Corequisites: (if applicable)
  • Course prerequisites or corequisites: (if applicable)

Course Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes (as approved by the department and/or Curriculum Review Committee)

Course Delivery Mode 

  • Hybrid:(Indicate campus meetings Days of the Week and Time and room number) 
  • Online:(Indicate any campus meetings (optional: max three times) and room number) 
  • On-Campus:(meeting times and room number)

Required Textbook and Materials 

Textbooks can be ordered through the CCRI Campus Store

  • Required and/or recommended student materials (if applicable)
  • Textbook materials on Library reserve and/or electronic resources
  • Technical Requirements Statement about requirements for accessing computer, Internet, and specific hardware or software requirements if applicable, include any links to software CCRI offers students
  • Suggested: Image of textbook (include alternate text if used)>

General Education Skill Categories (if course is a gen ed)

Course Expectations

In addition to any specific expectations for this class, students are responsible for following the policies set forth in the Student Handbook and College Catalog

Attendance/Verification of Enrollment

Per federal financial aid regulations, CCRI is required to verify student enrollment. All faculty members are required to complete a verification of enrollment per the dates in the College Calendar.

Students can confirm enrollment through attendance at any academically related activity such as: attending a synchronous session or class meeting, sending an email to the instructor about the course, submitting homework or an assignment, taking an exam or posting in a discussion.

Academic Integrity

For more information on CCRI's Academic Integrity Policy; see the Student Handbook.


(Describe expectations for attendance and what participation looks like in your class)

Email Policy

(Describe expectations for emailing the instructor and turnaround time)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Statement

Depending on the expectations for the use of AI, choose from one of the three syllabus statements suggested by CCRI: Artificial Intelligence in Academia

Grading Scale and Policies

Grading Informationand Grade Grievance Information from the Student Handbook.

Grading Standards and Requirements/Course Weights

Assessment Criteria (For example, written and oral reports, tests, homework, lab reports, projects, etc.)

Late Policy/Make-Up Policy

(provide information on grading policy related to late work)

Incomplete Grade

This temporary grade designation is awarded at the end of a course. It is awarded only when a student is passing, has attended or completed at least 75% of the course and is unable to complete the course due to extenuating circumstances (e.g. illness, death, unforeseeable accident, unavoidable circumstance).

Program Instructor Statement

Program Instructor Statement

This syllabus is subject to change at any time at the discretion of the instructor.Students are responsible for keeping current with changes made to this syllabus.

Required Student Support Services

Disability Accessibility for Students

Disability Accessibility for Students

Any student with a documented disability is encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Accessibility for Students (DAS) to coordinate reasonable accommodations as early in the semester as possible. Please contact the DAS office  to begin the process or renew your accommodation for the semester.



Your success is the primary focus of the Advising Center. As such, all matriculated students are assigned a trained, professional advisor who will provide support, guidance, and resources to help you navigate your academic journey and maximize your educational experience during your entire time at the Community College of Rhode Island. Recognizing the diverse needs of our student body, your assigned advisor will provide personalized assistance to ensure that your academic, personal, and career goals are met. The services available to you include academic planning and course selection; transfer planning; assistance in understanding college policies and procedures; and referrals to on-and-off-campus resources. Connecting with your assigned advisor is easy. Log in to your Starfish account (include instructions here). We look forward to partnering with you in your journey towards success at the Community College of Rhode Island. 



CCRI offers short term and confidential counseling to help students with mental health concerns. The Personal Counseling and Wellness Office offers students a safe environment for one-on-one appointments, assisting with a variety of concerns related to anxiety, depression, or long-standing psychological obstacles. The Personal Counseling and Wellness Office also assists with connecting students with resources and outside agencies offering long-term counseling services. For a list of mental health services on and off campus, please visit Personal Counseling and Wellness.

Finally, counseling services are offered at our four main campuses (Warwick, Lincoln, Providence, and Newport) M-F 8:00 am to 4 pm.  To schedule an appointment, please email us at: [email protected] 

TELUS Health

CCRI has also partnered with TELUS Health, a counseling service available to students 24/7, free of charge. TELUS Health offers virtual walk-in’s and scheduled appointments, with access to professional counselors. To learn more about TELUS Health, please click the link here: visit TELUS Health

Benefits Hub

The Benefits Hub 

The Benefits Hub connects students to on and off campus resources. If students are couch surfing,need groceries,childcare, transportation, or some other form of assistance, please contact: 401.825-1024 (office), or [email protected] If you are uncomfortable doing so on your own, please know that I can submit a referral on your behalf - just email me or schedule a meeting with me during office hours.

Confidential and Compassionate

Veteran Services

Veteran Services

CCRI Veteran Services Office is committed to being a resource to all VA education beneficiaries. Our mission is to assist veterans, service members and dependents in the pursuit of their educational goals by maintaining up-to-date information on current programs and resources. Through a combination of experience with the educational system and contacts within the VA, we can help you with any aspect of your higher education.

Tutoring Center & Academic Coaching

Tutoring Center

Students use Starfish to schedule appointments to meet with CCRI tutors and academic coaches. Appointments are offered in-person and online with day, evening, and weekend availability. All services are at no cost to students.

Visit The Tutoring Center or email [email protected] to learn more about our services.

Connect with a Tutor

CCRI employs tutors recommended by CCRI faculty to provide tutoring for their courses.Tutoring helps students learn course material for a specific class by clarifying course concepts and getting practice with course materials. Students do not have to be in jeopardy of failing to get help from a tutor.

Click here to watch the video directions on how to schedule appointments through Starfish.

Partner with An Academic Coach

Academic coaching is a personalized student-coach partnership with appointments tailored to your individual needs. A coach can help you with organizational and study strategies. One-time appointments or a series of consultations throughout the semester are available. Click here to watch the video directions on how to schedule appointments through Starfish.

Pear Deck Tutor

Pear Deck Tutor is a private online tutoring company that CCRI has partnered with to supplement our CCRI Tutoring program. It is available 24/7 and students are allowed up to three hours per week at no charge! Students access Pear Deck Tutor through their CCRI Blackboard account.

Writing Center

Writing Center

The Writing Center offers writing support at no cost to students, for any type of writing, at any stage of the writing process. This includes assistance with brainstorming, organization, thesis statements, topic sentences, integrating and citing sources, revision, and polishing.

Students can schedule an appointment through Starfish or by emailing [email protected]. The Writing Center website includes more details on our locations and on scheduling appointments.


CCRI Library

The CCRI Library provides a welcoming environment for individual and collaborative learning. Each campus has a library with access to print and online books, journals, and other resources.

Our catalog and databases can be accessed on campus or off campus. Librarians are available to assist students individually with research questions. We also work with faculty to provide specialized library instruction classes and offer courses in information literacy and research skills.

Public Safety

The CCRI College Police Department, also referred to as the Campus Police Department, is staffed with full-time, sworn police officers augmented with nonsworn public safety officers and dispatchers.  We provide law enforcement services to all four CCRI campuses when the campuses are open and 24/7 services through our HQ’s located at the Knight Campus in Warwick.

Our enforcement jurisdiction covers all four CCRI properties.  The services we provide for the College community include responses to all emergencies; arrests for criminal violations; police reports; initial criminal investigations occurring on a campus or having a nexus to the College; referral services to outside law enforcement and social agencies; all Clery Act requirements; traffic enforcement, accident investigations and accident reporting on campus.

The College Police Department is also responsible for building and grounds security; College identification access control; lost and found; annual emergency exercises; educational training opportunities concerning public safety; and escorts per request. The CCRI College Police Department is an accredited law enforcement agency with the Rhode Island Police Accreditation Commission and maintains solid, working relationships with all other law enforcement agencies throughout the State of Rhode Island.

Contact us at 401-825-2109 for routine business and 401-825-2000 for on-campus emergencies.  911 is always acceptable for any emergency and will be forwarded to our dispatch center for a quick response.

Civil Rights (Know Your Rights)

Pregnant and Parenting Students

CCRI is proud to welcome and support pregnant and parenting students on their path to success.  If you need an accommodation, excused absence, or other resource or campus support to successfully complete your time at CCRI while pregnant or parenting, please contact the Title IX Coordinator via email at [email protected] or by phone at (401) 825-1126.

Discrimination and Harassment

CCRI prohibits students and employees from engaging in discrimination and harassment based on any individual’s race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, gender, gender identity or expression, religion, disability, age, sexual orientation, genetic information, marital status, citizenship status, veteran status, and any other legally protected characteristic.

If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination or harassment, you can report such behavior to the Title IX Coordinator via email at[email protected], by phone at (401) 825-1126

Nondiscrimination Policy and Complaint Procedures

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct

CCRI prohibits all forms of unlawful sexual harassment and sexual misconduct, which includes (but is not limited to) dating/domestic violence and stalking.  If you believe you have been subjected to sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, you can report such behavior to the Title IX Coordinator via email at by phone (401) 823-1126.

Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures (S-17)
Nondiscrimination Policy and Complaint Procedures

Also available are additional enhanced syllabus statements, templates and syllabus design resources:

Enhanced Syllabus Statements, Syllabus Templates and Examples