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Emergency Response Guide

This is a Reference Tool Designed to Aid and Assist You to Respond Calmly, Effectively and Safely to a CCRI Campus Emergency

Introductory Note

This Emergency Response Guide is part of a comprehensive CCRI Emergency Response Program recently developed and modeled after the program used by Northern Essex Community College (NECC). In addition, the program includes a detailed Emergency Response Plan derived from the plan standard promoted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency (RIEMA). This "Standardized Emergency Management System" (SEMS) plan includes a CCRI Emergency Response Team Organizational Chart, Role descriptions, Duty checklists and Comprehensive Team Action plans. Emergency Response binders will be maintained in all division offices and at the offices designated as Response Management Team members.

Please read this Emergency Response On-line Guide or the hard copy booklet, and use it when an emergency situation arises. To learn more about CCRI's Full Emergency Response Plan, you are encouraged to contact the Security and Safety Department of the Campus Police Department.

Table of Contents

If the Phones are Not Working:

Knight Campus: To report an emergency incident and the phones are down, send a "Runner" to the Campus Police and Security Office, ground floor of the main building Room # 0284 on the south side of the building or the Director of Administration's office, 3rd floor, room 3320 of the main building.

Flanagan Campus: Notify, in the same fashion, the Security/Campus Police Office located in the basement floor Module #3 South Room # 3008.

Liston Campus: Notify the Security/Campus Police Office located on the 1st Floor Southeast Comer Room # 157.

Newport Campus: Notify the Security/Campus Police Office located in the basement floor Room # 019.

Incident Discovery Notification

If you discover any emergency situation on a CCRI Campus that has not been reported, please immediately perform ALL of the following steps.

  1. Assess whether a fire, a hazardous material emergency or other type potentially life-threatening environment exists. If so evacuate the area. Pull the nearest alarm if a fire is burning or other people in the surrounding area are in need of immediate alert.
  2. If you need a Rescue or ambulance, Police or Fire services, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY, to request emergency services response.
  3. Then, noting the location of the emergency, call that Campus Security/Police to report ALL emergencies and threatening situations, whether 911 was called or not.
    • Knight Campus 401-825-2109
    • Flanagan Campus 401-333-7035
    • Liston Campus 401-455-6050
    • Newport Campus 401-851-1620
    (Security/Campus Police will respond to your reported incident location, they will call for additional outside assistance, and they will notify the necessary CCRI personnel, including the CCRI Director of Administration or senior administrator in charge.)
  4. Refer to the emergency-specific section within this guide for additional first-response instructions.
Go-to package for Emergency Responders:

In the event of an emergency, the on duty personnel will take appropriate action in handling the emergency. Each Campus Police Office will have a “GO-TO PACKAGE” containing the keys and maps of the respective campus that the emergency personnel are responding to. When time is available notification will be made to the appropriate command staff and other campus police offices.

For purposes of this plan, the term “Incident Commander” is used throughout to designate the person that is in charge in the given situation. This may vary from incident to incident, depending upon the nature of the event, the personnel present, and the number of students present. For example, the charge person may be a faculty or staff member, the college police officer overseeing a certain area, the CCRI chief of police, the fire personnel reporting to an incident, etc. For practical purposes, the charge person will be the highest authority present and able to assume leadership at a particular moment, in a particular physical space.

Floods, Regional Fires, Hurricanes

Fear at the time of disaster may breed panic, and panic can account for more injuries than the disaster itself. Therefore, calming personnel and students and preventing panic is critical.

In a situation involving fire or risk of further building destruction, the CCRI building and grounds team will coordinate with local utility companies to shut off gas, electricity and other utilities. CCRI will cooperate with all emergency response agencies, such as FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). In case of a flood, evacuate to the highest ground in designated parking area. In the event of a disaster, CCRI may be used as a Red Cross community shelter. State of Rhode Island will notify the College President, Vice President and Director of Administration, Physical Plant, and the Salvation Army for food service preparation to initiate a community shelter response. Physical Plant staff will open and prepare designated campus buildings for disaster victims. The Salvation Army will be asked to prepare food for victims and workers as needed.

CCRI's President will rearrange class schedules as necessary.

If Evacuation of a Building is Ordered - Checklist
  1. Security/college Police will be deployed to assist or await rescue personnel in the Designated Safe Areas, with Physically Challenged Faculty or Students. These areas are marked on each of the four campuses.
  2. As a contingency, quickly check with faculty or staff located in rooms to the left and right of your room, and coordinate assistance as needed.
  3. Assist disabled individuals to safe areas and notify the proper authorities to help exit the building. Do Not use the elevators.
  4. Take coats, purses, back packs, all personal property in your possession, roll call book and pen and evacuate to the buildings evacuation assembly area. This assembly area will be at least 50 ft. from the building and away from responding public safety personnel and equipment. (Police & Fire)
  5. Close doors and leave unlocked for Search and Rescue access.
  6. Use safety, be alert for hazards (falling objects, smoke, etc.), and move students quickly and quietly from building.
  7. Do Not use the elevators.
  8. Always avoid power or other utility lines as they may be energized.
On Going Duties - Checklist
  1. Administer first aid care as needed (see first aid section)
  2. Ensure that any injured person stays still and can be evaluated and treated by the Rescue personnel or school nurse.
  3. Keep a record of the location of all students in your charge.
  4. Be calm and lead by example.
  5. Do Not release any information about students or the status of the emergency situation to the media, parents or the general public. Direct all such inquiries to your Incident Commander who can direct them to the College spokesperson.
At Assembly Area - Checklist
  1. Instruct students to stay together, be calm, and sit.
  2. Take attendance and ascertain that all students in your care are accounted for.
  3. If a student is missing, question remaining students to help determine the student's location. Do Not go Back into Evacuated Building to search for missing student.
  4. Provide Incident Commander with an oral report of the status of your students. (Examples: "Room 6014 all accounted for, no injuries"; "Room 6208, two students with injuries.")
  5. Describe seriousness of injury and provide names of students missing and unaccounted for.
  6. If no charge person has reported to the evacuation area within ten minutes of the evacuation, designate a faculty member to gather reports for your building.
  7. Deliver the written status reports to another building charge person and return to your assembly area.

Smoke is the greatest danger in a fire, so as you evacuate or if you are trapped, always stay near the floor where the air is less toxic. Stay Low.

At the Time of a Fire or Explosion

Follow the procedures in this section and then await further instructions. Do not leave your students.

First Responsibilities:
  1. In the case of an explosion, immediately take cover and advise others to do the same.
  2. Immediately call 911 and provide detailed information about the location and nature of the fire and or explosion.
  3. Call CCRI's Campus Security/Campus Police in the Building of Occurrence and report the same information.
    • Knight Campus 401-825-2109
    • Flanagan Campus 401-333-7035
    • Liston Campus 401-455-6050
    • Newport Campus 401-851-1620
  4. If a fire appears controllable, promptly direct the charge stream from a fire extinguisher toward the base of the flame.
  5. If danger from smoke or flame exists or a small fire is not controllable, activate the building alarm and evacuate to your designated evacuation assembly area. Smoke is the greatest danger in a fire - so stay low near the floor where the air is less toxic.
  6. Take coats, purses, back packs, all personal property in your possession.
  7. Be calm and give aid to students. Assist injured students if possible (see First aid section). Stay with your student and await notification and further direction from your Incident Commander.
  8. Upon arrival of Fire Officials, immediately provide the with information regarding any student or staff member still in the building or missing.
  9. Provide the Incident Commander with any information pertaining to the origin or cause of the fire.
  10. Advise Fire Rescue personnel that deaf or physically challenged in designated safe areas need to be reached and evacuated, especially if blinking strobe fire alarms fail.
If You Become Trapped - Checklist
  1. If a window is available, place an article of clothing outside the window as a marker for rescue crews. Stay near the floor and shout at regular intervals. Do Not Panic.
  2. If there is no window, stay near the floor and shout at regular intervals. Do Not Panic
If Evacuation of Building is Required - Checklist:
  1. Quickly check with faculty in room located to the left and right of your room and coordinate assistance as necessary. Assist individuals with disabilities to exit building or locate designated safe areas. Do Not use the elevators.
  2. Take coats, purses, back packs, all personal property in your possession and evacuate to the buildings evacuation assembly area. See map section.
  3. Close all doors to confine the fire, but leave unlocked for firefighter access.
  4. Use safest route (stay near the floor where air is less toxic), be alert for hazards, and move students quickly and quietly. Do Not use the elevators.
  5. Instruct students to stay together with class group, be calm, and sit.
  6. Take attendance and ascertain that all students in your care are present and accounted for.
  7. If a student is missing, question remaining students to help determine student's location. Do not go back into an evacuated building to search for the missing student.
  8. Provide the Incident Commander with oral report of the status of your students (Examples: "Main building Room 6404 has two students injured [describe nature of injuries]" or "Round building Room 0554 [Person's Name] is missing and unaccounted for.")
  9. If a Incident Commander does not report to your Building Evacuation Assembly Area within ten minutes, designate one faculty member to gather reports for your building. Deliver these written status notes, including information regarding missing charge person, to the next charge person and then return immediately to your Evacuation Assembly Area.
Ongoing Duties Checklist
  • Administer First aid care as necessary (see First aid section).
  • Ensure that any injured person remains still and is elevated and treated by the Rescue personnel or school nurse.
  • Keep record of location of all students in your charge.
  • Supervise and reassure students. Be calm and lead by example.
  • Do not release any information about students or of the status of the emergency situation to the media, parents, or the general public.
  • Direct all such inquiries to your building charge person, who will direct them to the school spokesperson.
  • Follow all directions provided by your building charge person regarding release of students, relocation of assembly, reassignment responsibilities, return to buildings, etc.
  • If requested, assist emergency crews; otherwise, Stay Clear.

If you observe a suspicious object or potential bomb on campus, Do Not Handle the Object. Clear the area and immediately call Campus Security/Campus Police of that campus.

  • Knight Campus 401-825-2109
  • Flanagan Campus 401-333-7035
  • Liston Campus 401-455-6050
  • Newport Campus 401-851-1620
If you receive a bomb threat call:
  1. Keep talking with the caller as long as possible. If you can, keep the caller on the line and ask someone nearby to contact Campus Security/Campus Police (see bomb threat actions above) to report there is a bomb threat caller on your phone. Note the Following:
    1. Time of call
    2. Age and gender of caller
    3. Speech pattern, accent distinguishing vocal characteristics
    4. Emotional state of caller
    5. Background noise
  2. Remain calm and ask the caller the following questions. Take notes if possible.
    1. When is bomb going to explode?
    2. Where is the bomb right now?
    3. What kind of bomb is it?
    4. What does it look like?
    5. Why did you place the bomb?
    6. What is your name?
    7. What do you want to be called?
    8. Where are you calling from?
  3. If Campus Security/Campus Police (see bomb threat actions above) has not been alerted, immediately call and provide the above information.
  4. Law enforcement/security and Campus Police will conduct a thorough bomb search. Staff is asked to make only a cursory inspection of their area for suspicious objects and report the location of any found items. Do Not Touch a Suspicious Object. Do Not Open Drawers or Cabinets. Do Not Turn Lights On or Off. Quickly Clear the Area.


“Administration will make a decision in coordination with local authorities and Campus Police regarding evacuation based on the nature of the threat.”

It is the school’s policy that when an active shooter is present on the campus that all students, faculty and staff remain in place and use all available means of concealment.

As there are never two situations alike, these procedures are only a guideline. As is the case with all emergencies, safeguarding lives is paramount. Use Your Common Sense and Do Not Panic. Active shooter policies are a relatively new concept. When an active shooter is present on the campus, law enforcement will be entering to eliminate the threat as quickly as possible. For this reason, students, faculty and staff should remain in place and use all available means of concealment. We do not recommend evacuation; if you don't know the location of the shooter this would only place individuals in the path of the active shooter or of law enforcement officers that are entering the building. However, if you can escape safely do so.

If You Hear or Witness Gunfire on Campus
  1. Take cover immediately using all available concealment and advise others to do the same. Do not investigate source of gunfire sound.
  2. CALL 911 and report "There has been a shooting" or "Someone has been shot." Provide the following information if you can:
    1. Exact location of the incident and if the suspect is still shooting
    2. Conditions of victim(s) and number
    3. Brief description of the clothing worn by suspect(s), vehicle description, direction of shots fired
    4. Type of weapon used (handgun, rifle, etc.)
    5. Direction of travel or location of the suspect.
  3. Next, call CCRI Campus Police and provide them with the same information outlined above. If anyone has been injured, Campus Police will call and verify/request outside emergency assistance.
    • Knight Campus 401-825-2109
    • Flanagan Campus 401-333-7035
    • Liston Campus 401-455-6050
    • Newport Campus 401-851-1620
  4. Do not panic. Do not leave your concealed position until the person in charge or other authorized personnel advise that all is clear.
For Others on Campus - Checklist:
  1. Follow all instructions provided by Incident Commander and other authorized personnel.
  2. To ensure no one leaves the safety of a secure building during a gun fire incident, post one individual at each exit until "all clear" has been announced.
  3. Remain with your students and await instructions from Campus Police and/or law enforcement personnel.

In the event of a power outage, confusion can partially be avoided if you remain calm and await the college administration's decision and announcement regarding the need to evacuate and/or cancel classes. The decision not to evacuate or cancel classes during a power outage is equally important and will be announced to employees and students to prevent further confusion.

At the Time of Power Outage:
  1. Remain calm. If your visibility is impaired by a low-light situation, remain still and wait for direction from your Incident Commander or other authorized personnel. Hallway and emergency lights will automatically come on.
  2. Call Campus Security/Campus Police to report the outage and any related hazards.
    • Knight Campus 401-825-2109
    • Flanagan Campus 401-333-7035
    • Liston Campus 401-455-6050
    • Newport Campus 401-851-1620
  3. If evacuation is ordered and your visibility is impaired by low-light situation, wait until someone with a flashlight arrives to direct a safe departure from your building. Battery-operated emergency backup lights will stay on.
  4. Provide extra assistance to disabled individuals during evacuation. Be aware that elevators will not work during a power outage. Check elevators, bathrooms, classrooms, and hallways to ensure no disabled person is without assistance.
If You Become Trapped in an Elevator:

Elevators should automatically return to the first floor and doors open. If you become trapped in an elevator, use the emergency phone to notify Campus Security/Campus Police (see above) and/or 911. If elevator's phone is not working, to signal for help turn on the emergency alarm located on the elevator panel.

If Evacuation of the Building is Ordered - Checklist
  1. Quickly check with faculty or staff in room located to the left and right of your room and coordinate assistance as necessary. Assist individuals with disabilities to exit or designated safe areas. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE ELEVATORS.
  2. Take coats, purses, backpacks, personal items in your possession, roll call book and pen and evacuate to your building's designated Building Evacuation Assembly Area.
  3. Close all doors, but leave unlocked.
  4. Use safest route, moving carefully (especially in low-light areas).
  5. When at Building Evacuation Assembly Area, instruct students to stay together with a class group, to be calm, and to sit. Await instructions from Charge Person or other authorized personnel.

Damage to individuals and /or environment can be caused by any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release of hazardous materials.

Click on the link to see the Community College of Rhode Island Hazardous Substance Release Emergency Response Plan.

If You Witness Spillage of a Potentially Hazardous Material or You Smell Fumes:
  1. Determine if a hazardous spill or exposure has occurred. The first step is to determine the existence or potential existence of a hazardous material. Where unidentified substances or vapors are involved, it is always prudent to assume they are toxic or hazardous until determined otherwise.
  2. Determine the location of the exposure. It is important to ascertain quickly the location of any incident involving hazardous materials. Investigate only from a safe distance and do not risk contact or further exposure to the chemicals intended for use, waste chemicals, and infectious material.
  3. Immediately report to Campus Security/Campus Police the nature and location of the material, and report any medical emergencies or concerns. College police will contact the necessary specialized authorities and medical personnel.
    • Knight Campus 401-825-2109
    • Flanagan Campus 401-333-7035
    • Liston Campus 401-455-6050
    • Newport Campus 401-851-1620
  4. Evacuate the affected area at once, closing doors behind you to secure the area and prevent further contamination until the arrival of emergency personnel. Report to an appropriate Building Evacuation Assembly Area, ensuring that your group is safely distant from the affected area.
  5. Stay with your students and await further instructions. Report all medical concerns to emergency personnel or your Charge Person.
If a Full Campus Evacuation is Ordered - Checklist.
  1. Follow all instructions provided by Charge Officers and other authorized personnel regarding evacuation routes and destinations.
  2. College police security vehicles will be used as a first priority.
  3. If necessary, persons without vehicles first will be instructed to attempt to identify drivers who can accommodate additional passengers in their vehicles.
  4. Exit route for vehicles from all campuses will be determined by the Officer in charge of the emergency or a delegate of that officer.

In many cases of medical emergencies, appropriate actions taken within the first few moments can help mitigate further injury. The following information about bleeding, burns, breathing, and heart failure should serve as a quick reference guide to help you respond to the more common medical situations where Your fast action is most important and may save a life.

First Responsibilities for All Serious Medical Emergencies:
  1. Immediately call 911 to request emergency medical response.
  2. Call Campus Security/Campus Police to report the emergency.
    • Knight Campus 401-825-2109
    • Flanagan Campus 401-333-7035
    • Liston Campus 401-455-6050
    • Newport Campus 401-851-1620
Bleeding - for Deep or Extensive Wounds that may be Life-Threatening
  1. Always use non-latex rubber gloves (stored in first aid kits). Latex gloves are not allowed on CCRI premises due to the danger of allergic reaction. See CCRI Bloodborne Pathogen Policy and CCRI's Latex Product Safety Policy.
  2. Apply direct pressure, using a clean thick pad or cloth to stop bleeding.
  3. If there are no indications of a fractured bone and it does not cause pain, elevate the wound while you attempt to stop the bleeding.
  4. Firmly apply a bandage to further stop or control the bleeding. Do not remove this bandage and apply additional dressings.
  5. Squeeze artery against the bone
  6. If bleeding is from the leg, press with the heel of your hand where the leg bends at the hip.
  7. Keep injured person lying down with the injured parts elevated. Cover her/him with a blanket or coat only to keep the person from losing body heat.
  8. Ensure that the injured person receives immediate professional medical care from the Campus Nurse or appropriate emergency personnel.
Burns - for Chemical Burns of the Skin
  1. Flood burn with running water for at least five minutes and as much as twenty minutes. Do Not Scrub or use Soap.
  2. Remove clothing on which chemical has spilled including clothing that is touching the burn.
  3. Do not use ointments, cream, butter, etc. on burns.
  4. Encourage that the injured person receive immediate professional medical care.
Heat Burns - for a Second-Degree (Shallow) Burn
  1. Use cool water immediately. Immerse in water if possible. Do Not Apply Ice to Burn.
  2. Cool the burned area with water until pain subsides.
  3. Pat area dry. Cover area with dry, sterile dressing.
  4. Ensure that the injured person receives immediate professional medical care.
CPR - Victim has No Pulse - Life-Threatening Emergencies Only
If you or someone in your group is trained or certified in CPR:
  1. Call 911 and Campus Police.
  2. Tilt head, lift chin, check for breathing.
  3. Give two breaths.
  4. Place victim on their back on firm surface, place hand position on about the center of the breastbone, and position your shoulders over your hands.
  5. Rock forward, exerting pressure down to force blood out of heart (about 2" of compression). Release pressure. Compress chest thirty times.
  6. Give individual two breaths.
  7. Repeat cycles of thirty compressions followed by two breaths until help arrives.
  1. Immediately CALL 911 to request emergency medical response.
  2. Call Campus Security/Campus Police and Campus Student Health (Knight Campus: 401-825-2103, Flanagan Campus: 401-333-7015) to report emergency.
    • Knight Campus 401-825-2109
    • Flanagan Campus 401-333-7035
    • Liston Campus 401-455-6050
    • Newport Campus 401-851-1620


Knight Campus:

  • 1st Floor double elevator
    2nd Floor double elevator
    3rd Floor between double elevators & restroom
    4th Floor double elevator
    6th Floor double elevator
    Between Room #1154 & Lower Commons
    Nurses Office Rm #1240
  • 1st Floor elevator
    6th Floor elevator
  • Inside Training Room


  • A Entrance First Floor
  • B Entrance First Floor
  • Faculty Offices First Floor
  • E Entrance First Floor
  • F Entrance First Floor
  • Field House First Floor
  • Pool Area
  • College Police Office Basement level
  • E Foyer, 2nd Floor
  • B Foyer, 2nd Floor


  • Police Office Ground Floor
  • Main Lobby 1st Floor
  • Learning Resource Center 2nd Floor


  • Front Lobby by Kiosk, 1st Floor
  • Elevator #1, 2nd Floor



  • 6th Floor Southwest corner near rear elevator.


  • Mod B Safe Area, 2nd Floor.


  • 2nd Floor next to Room 2238.


  • 2nd Floor Hallway near Elevator #1. 


Heat Burns - for a Third-Degree (Deep) Burn
  1. Do Not Put Water or Ice Directly on an Open Burn Wound.
  2. Cover wound with a thick, dry, sterile dressing
  3. Only if it does not cause pain, insulated dry cold packs may be used over dressing. Keep dressing dry.
  4. Ensure that the injured person receives immediate professional medical care.
Breathing Cessation - Victim is Not Breathing - the First 4 Minutes are Critical, Begin Rescue Breathing Immediately
  1. Turn victim on back and if necessary quickly wipe out mouth.
  2. Place two fingers under victim's chin, place other hand on forehead, and tilt head as far back as possible. This provides an airway.
  3. With head tilted back, pinch the nose shut.
  4. Give two slow breaths. Breathe into victim until chest gently rises.
  5. Check for pulse.
  6. If pulse is present but person is still not breathing, continue to give 1 slow breath about every five seconds. Do this for about a minute (12 breaths).
  7. Recheck pulse and breathing as long as a pulse is present but person is not breathing.
  8. Continue rescue breathing as long as a pulse is present but person is not breathing.
  9. For a small child or infant, seal your lips tightly around the infant's mouth and nose. With a gentle puffing action, give two slow breaths. Breathe into infant until the chest gently rises.
  10. Ensure that the injured person receives immediate professional medical care.

IMPORTANT: If the chest does not rise and fall and you are sure you are holding the jaw back correctly, suspect blockage in the throat. With the heel of both hands, give several upward abdominal thrusts to dislodge blockage and resume rescue breathing.


People with disabilities (impaired mobility, blind or low vision) or who are deaf or hard of hearing and small children can have additional difficulty dealing with the effects of disaster. Special care must be provided to help them during a building evacuation and to care for their ongoing needs.

Learning Accommodations Center:

Students with disabilities who might need of assistance during an emergency evacuation should inform CCRI's Security and Campus Police Department each semester and report any changes in their schedule and /or condition during the semester. Students are also requested to inform instructors. Although ABLE has a list of disabled students, the organization may not represent all students needing special assistance.


When Elevators are Not Accessible (Power Outage, Fire, etc.)
  1. Work with Campus Police to check if anyone is trapped between floors.
  2. Check bathrooms, classrooms, and hallways to ensure that no person with disabilities needs assistance to exit the building or get to a designated safe area.
  3. Campus Police will assist physically disabled persons during an emergency. These persons will be led to the Designated Safe Areas to await Rescue personnel. In case of an extreme emergency (i.e. life threatening circumstances where rescue has been delayed), persons in wheelchairs on upper floors will need assistance down the stairs. ONLY in dire emergencies will Campus Police or others be recruited to help the wheelchair down the stairs. Always turn the wheelchair so it is lowered down the stairs backwards (facing up the stairs) so the occupant is not at risk of slipping forward out of the chair.
Other Special Needs:
  1. In an emergency which causes damage of facilities, small children, visitors and people with disabilities may need to be lifted, carried or guided to negotiate around or over fallen debris.
  2. Visually impaired and deaf or hard of hearing persons may require additional support to comprehend and follow emergency evacuation directives.
  3. Be aware that small children may want to hide from the commotion of an emergency, therefore putting themselves at greater risk. During an evacuation with small children, form a chain by holding hands and do repeated head counts using a loud voice.
  4. In the event of an emergency, an integrated plan will be implemented through our Campus Police and Physical plant. The Campus Police office has a list of individuals that have requested special assistance.

Take the following steps when an individual is attempting or threatening to commit suicide on campus.

  • Call Campus Security/Campus Police
    • Knight Campus 401-825-2109
    • Flanagan Campus 401-333-7035
    • Liston Campus 401-455-6050
    • Newport Campus 401-851-1620
  • Notify Dean of Students Office (Knight Campus 401-825-2221, Flanagan Campus 401-333-7159).
  • Do not leave a suicidal student alone.
  • Try to remove the student calmly but firmly from immediate means of hurting him/her self.
  • If the student has a weapon, do not try to take it physically or through force. Alert Campus Police or appropriate law enforcement officers.
  • As soon as possible, evaluate the severity of the emergency, engage a supervisor and call the CCRI nurse or Dean of student councilors.
  • Professional assistance will be determined by qualified personnel.

When you become aware of a fight, immediately call Campus Police. Do not try to engage in violent acts.

Disagreements, minimal danger: Walk in a controlled manner, Do Not Run, toward it, so as not to encourage panic. Use a modulated controlled tone to direct students by name (if possible) to leave the scene. Establish control of the situation. If a fight is taking place in front of a crowd, first take stock of the situation and enlist help from staff. Then if appropriate (e.g. if the danger is minimal), do the following:

  1. Demand that combatants stop fighting and call/send for assistance.
  2. Attend to victims. Call Campus Security/Campus Police.
    • Knight Campus 401-825-2109
    • Flanagan Campus 401-333-7035
    • Liston Campus 401-455-6050
    • Newport Campus 401-851-1620
  3. Security/Campus Police will isolate the combatants in separate rooms while maintaining supervision.
  4. Security/Campus Police also may isolate witnesses, friends, and potential gang members in separate rooms to obtain additional timely information regarding the incident.
  5. Disperse any remaining onlookers.
If a weapon is involved, take the following actions:
  • Do not try engage combatants. Immediately call 911 and then call Campus Security/Campus Police (see violence gangs checklist above)
  • If weapon was involved, alert Campus Police to safely secure it. Maintain custody of it in a secure place until you can turn it over to the police.
  • Do Not Try to Chase Anyone Fleeing the Scene. Observe as much as you can, and report your observations to the police and to Campus Security/Campus Police (see violence gangs checklist above).
Fire Alarm System

The signal for building evacuation is the continuous sounding of the Fire Alarm Horns and the blinking of the Red Lights attached to them.

What to do when the alarm sounds

If you are on the 6th floor of the Knight Campus and the Fire Alarm sounds: Leave the 6th Floor Immediately and Proceed to the Nearest Designated Safe Area. Two Safe Areas are located on the west end of the building and located in the external stairwells; two additional Safe Areas are on the external walls near the stairwells on the east end of the building.

    • STAIRWELLS # 1A Southwest
    • STAIRWELLS # 1B Northwest
  • All "Designated Safe Areas" are clearly marked with signs which are also written in Braille.
  • All Safe Areas are equipped with an Emergency Communications Device which is activated by pushing the button; this action will immediately notify Security.
  • See Campus Map for Locations of Designated Safe Areas.
Fire Alarm System

The signal for building evacuation is the continuous sounding of the Fire Alarm Horns and the blinking of the Red Lights attached to them.

What to do when the alarm sounds

If you are on the 2nd floor of the Flanagan Campus and the Fire Alarm sounds: Leave the 2nd Floor Immediately and Proceed to the Nearest Designated Safe Area. Safe Areas are located on the second floor of all six external stairwells.

  • All "Designated Safe Areas" are clearly marked with signs which are also written in Braille.
  • All Safe Areas are equipped with an Emergency Communications Device which is activated by pushing the button; this action will immediately notify Security.
  • See Campus Map for Locations of Designated Safe Areas. (FC Second Floor)
Fire Alarm System

The signal for building evacuation is the continuous sounding of the Fire Alarm Horns and the blinking of the Red Lights attached to them.

What to do when the alarm sounds

If you are on the 2nd floor of the Liston Campus what you should do if the Fire Alarm sounds: Leave the 2nd Floor Immediately and Proceed to the Nearest Designated Safe Area. Safe areas are located on the second floor.

  • All "Designated Safe Areas" are clearly marked with signs which are also written in Braille.
  • All Safe Areas are equipped with an Emergency Communications Device which is activated by pushing the button, this action will immediately notify Security
  • See Campus Map for Locations of Designated Safe Areas. ( LC Second Floor)
Fire Alarm System

The signal for building evacuation is the continuous sounding of the Fire Alarm Horns and the blinking of the Red Lights attached to them.

What to do when the alarm sounds

If you are on the 2nd or 3rd floor of the Newport Campus and the Fire Alarm sounds: Leave the 2nd or 3rd Floor Immediately and Proceed to the Nearest Designated Safe Area. Safe areas are located on the second floor and third floor.

  • All "Designated Safe Areas" are clearly marked with signs which are also written in Braille.
  • All Safe Areas are equipped with an Emergency Communications Device which is activated by pushing the button, this action will immediately notify Security
  • See Campus Map for Locations of Designated Safe Areas.

At any of the campuses, once an emergency device has been activated in a particular safe area/stairwell, the activation will light up on the fire control panel and give an audible alarm in the Campus Police office. This notification identifies the exact location of the disabled persons. The Police Department will then notify the responding Fire Department of the situation and location of any person in the safe areas. If the situation allows, a Campus Police Officer will be dispatched to the activated location/safe area to check on the wellbeing of the disabled persons and await the arrival of the fire dept.