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Avaya Voice Mail Set-up Instructions

To set-up mailbox from your office phone:

If your mailbox is the last 4 digits of your phone number:

  • Dial extension 1022
  • Enter the temporary password (7422) then press #
  • Choose a new password then press #
  • To save the password press #
  • Follow the prompts to record your name and greeting

To set-up mailbox from off campus or if your mailbox number is 4xxx or 8xxx:

  • Dial (401)825-1022 or 1022 on campus, press # to enter mailbox number
  • Enter your temporary password (7422) then press #
  • Choose a new password then press #
  • To save the password press #
  • Follow the prompts to record your name and greeting

To retrieve messages from your office extension:

  • Dial extension 1022
  • Press #
  • Enter your mailbox number
  • Follow the instructions for retrieving your messages

To retrieve messages from an extension other than your own:

  • Dial extension 1022
  • When you hear the voice prompt, press * ( star key ) instead
  • Enter your mailbox number
  • Follow the instructions for retrieving messages

To retrieve messages from when calling from home:

  • Dial 401.825.1022
  • Press * ( star key )
  • Follow the instructions for retrieving messages

For further assistance, please contact Linda Gaul at x2030