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Travel & Employee Reimbursement

Traveling is a multi-step process that includes pre-approval, booking, and submitting travel expenses for reimbursements. This breakdown will provide you with the information you need for in-state travel, mileage reimbursement, out-of-state travel, and employee reimbursement. CCRI uses Chrome River and Concur as tools for these processes.

All CCRI employees and students are encouraged to become familiar with CCRI's Travel Policy before making arrangements. 

Chrome River Login Concur Login


CCRI utilizes Chrome River for all travel, P-Card, and employee reimbursement documentation. Concur is the system used to book flights or trains for your trip.

Please note that in order to access Chrome River, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. DUO- A multi-factor authentication tool that improves security to protect personal information. If you do not have DUO and you need to utilize Chrome River, please submit a help desk ticket to receive further instructions. You cannot complete Step 2 until you have Duo. 
  2. Direct Deposit for Accounts Payable (AP)- You may already have direct deposit set up for payroll, but you will also need to configure it for AP in order to receive any reimbursements. Directions for setting up AP direct deposit can be found here.


 In-State Travel Out-of-State Travel Booking Mileage Reimbursement
Employee Reimbursement Resources Need Travel Help?

In-State Travel

For conferences and seminars taking place within the State of Rhode Island. 
User Type Before Traveling       During Your Trip            After Traveling
1. Submit a Pre-Approval
     in Chrome River
       → How to Submit
       → How to Edit/Delete
1. Save all receipts
1. Submit an Expense Report
     in Chrome River
       → How to Submit
       → How to Edit/Delete
1. Approve the Pre-Approval
     in Chrome River
       →How to Approve


1. Approve the Expense Report
    in Chrome River
       →How to Approve
The Community College of Rhode Island generally follows State of Rhode Island guidelines on in state travel for business purposes. These guidelines are published in Rl Department of Administration Procedure A-46. Where necessary, to accommodate CCRI's unique mission, additional guidelines have been established. Please visit Policystat to view CCRI's policy.

Out-of-State Travel

For conferences, seminars, and trips taking place outside of the State of Rhode Island or the United States.
User Type Before Traveling   During Your Trip  After Traveling     
Employees 1. Submit a Pre-Approval
     in Chrome River
      → How to Submit
      → How to Edit/Delete

2. Once you receive your travel
     authorization number, book
     travel arrangements using
        →How to Book Travel 
        →Book your hotel through the
           conference website, if
           possible. Otherwise, use
           your personal card to hold
           until you recieve a CCRI hotel
  1. Save all ORIGINAL receipts
  2. Ensure personal expenses are
        not combined with business
Please note:
Per diem is $50 for each full day
and $25 for each half day.
1. Gather all receipts 
2. Submit an Expense Report
     in Chrome River
       → Checklist
       → How to Submit
       → How to Edit/Delete 
1. Approve the Pre-Approval
    in Chrome River
      →How to Approve
1. Approve the Expense Report
     in Chrome River
        →How to Approve
The Community College of Rhode Island follows State of Rhode Island guidelines for out-of-state travel for business purposes. These guidelines are published in RI Department of Administration Procedure A-22 and adapted to higher education in accordance with A-22 1.8. Please visit Policystat to view CCRI's policy.


Booking Travel

Concur Logo

CCRI now utilizes SAP Concur, a self-booking tool for your out-of-state travel needs. You are able to easily find and book flights, cars, and trains for your trip, all in one place.

After your Pre-Approval/Travel Authorization has been fully approved, you can log in to Concur to finalize your travel plans.

Helpful Guides for Using Concur:

Mileage Reimbursement

Reimbursement for using your personal vehicle for business purposes (submitted on a monthly basis)
User Type Before Traveling                 During Your Trips After Traveling
Employees N/A 
1. Keep track of all business
     trips taken and save
     ORIGINAL receipts relating
     to tolls, parking, etc.
1. Submit a Monthly Mileage Report
     in Chrome River
       → How to Submit
       → How to Edit/Delete
Approvers N/A N/A
1. Approve the Reimbursement
     in Chrome River
        →How to Approve
 The Community College of Rhode Island generally follows State of Rhode Island guidelines on in state travel for business purposes. These guidelines are published in Rl Department of Administration Procedure A-46. Where necessary, to accommodate CCRI's unique mission, additional guidelines have been established. Please visit Policystat to view CCRI's policy.

Employee Reimbursement

Reimbursement for business expenses paid for using personal funds (non-travel)
User Type Before Purchasing                  While Purchasing           After Purchasing
Employees N/A
  1. Keep track of all expenses and save ORIGINAL receipts
  2. Ensure you have direct
    deposit set up for Accounts Payable. (instructions)
1. Submit an "Employee                      Reimbursement - Non-Travel"
Report in Chrome River
      → How to Submit
      → How to Edit/Delete   
Approvers N/A N/A 1. Approve the Reimbursement
     in Chrome River
        →How to Approve
The Community College of Rhode Island generally follows State of Rhode Island guidelines on in state travel for business purposes. These guidelines are published in Rl Department of Administration Procedure A-46. Where necessary, to accommodate CCRI's unique mission, additional guidelines have been established. Please visit Policystat to view CCRI's policy.



How do I make travel arrangements?
Once you receive the Travel Authorization Number that was issued by Chrome River, you may login to SAP Concur. You should NOT use any other travel service to make travel arrangements.

NOTE: The State will not reimburse a traveler for travel agent fees or for fees to issue a paper ticket.
Who do these travel procedures apply to?
They apply to all CCRI employees, students, and third parties requesting reimbursement from the College.
What do I do if I have problems with the travel arrangements after hours or on a weekend?
A travel counselor:
(866) 498-7436* or [email protected]
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. ET, Monday - Friday (excluding holidays)

*Additional fees may apply for calls outside of business hours and should be used for Emergency travel services

Online Travel booking support:
(800) 999-7939 or [email protected]
8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. ET, Monday - Friday (excluding holidays)
Does Chrome River have an app?
Yes and it is available for Apple and Android devices. More information can be found here.
When are travel claims paid?
Reimbursement checks are run bi-weekly for all completed travel claims received by the Controller's Office. Completed means the current forms have been completed (including proper authorization signatures) and all required support documentation are attached. Reimbursement will occur through direct deposit.
What are the time limitations on submitting travel claims?
Reimbursement claims must be submitted no later than the last day of the month following the month in which the travel occurred. Claims submitted after this deadline will not be reimbursed. For in-state mileage claims, each individual day will be considered a separate trip. Submit expense claims promptly to ensure reimbursement.
Will the College reimburse me for purchasing an E-ZPass transponder?
No. The college will not reimburse individuals for E-ZPass transponders. Department heads may request the Controller's Office to purchase transponders for their departments.
Can I make travel arrangements once they have been made through the travel agent?
Changes in travel arrangements should only be made in emergency situations because significant ($100.00 or more) additional fees are charged to the College for all changes made by the travel agents.