
How to login to a password-protected site

For Faculty and Staff

IMPORTANT: Please read these instructions before attempting to login

Full-time CCRI faculty and staff can access password-protected areas of the CCRI public site ( by logging in using their domain account user name and password.

How do I know if I have a domain account? All CCRI employees have domain accounts.

I have more than one username and password so, which one do I use? If you login to a college computer, either in an office or in a classroom, to access your department's share drive, you are using your domain account user name and password to login. This is the user name and password you need to use to access password-protected areas.

If you have never used your domain account to login to a college computer, try using your MyCCRI user name and password (more on this below).

Instructions and Screenshots

Step 1

Print-out these directions -- [Click to Print This Page]

Step 2

Click on the link to the password protected site. (This link may have been sent to you in an e-mail or it may be a designated link on a publicly accessible area of the site.)

NOTE: Clicking on the link to the password-protected site will cause a pop-up "Connect to" login window to appear (see screen shot below).

Step 3

When the "Connect to" login window pops-up*, enter the following:

  1. In the "User name:" field, type your user name
  2. In the "Password:" field, type the password you use to login to your CCRI office computer or CCRI classroom computer --the one that allows you access to your department share drive on the server. This is your "domain account password"

    PLEASE NOTE: Your domain account password is the password you use to login to MyCCRI.

  3. Click the "OK" button
  4. Important: If you are not successful after trying the above ONE TIME stop, and see "Troubleshooting" section below.
image of login box

*NOTE: The screen shot above is the one you will see if you are using the Firefox browser on a Windows 7 machine. This login window will look a little different in other browsers and/or operating systems, such as Internet Explorer or OSX.


If you can't login after following the above directions:

  1. Stop after one unsuccessful try -- Trying to login more than 3 times using an incorrect login procedure will "lock" you out of your account. The system does this as a safeguard against unauthorized access attempts.
  2. Before trying to login again:
    1. Re-read the wrong step will prevent you from logging in.
    2. A common error is using the wrong password. You must use your domain account password in this case, which is the same as your MyCCRI password.
    3. If you have forgotten you domain account password, visit or call the Help Desk during regular business hours at 401-825-1112. (See business hours here.)
  3. If you have tried to login 4 or more times unsuccessfully, you may be locked-out. The system does this as a safeguard against unauthorized access attempts.
    1. If this happens during regular business hours, call the Help Desk: 401-825-1112, and tell them you may be locked-out of your domain account.
    2. If this happens after regular business hours or on the weekend or holidays, you may e-mail the Help Desk at:[email protected] and follow-up with them on the next business day by phone or in-person.