
Accommodate for Faculty

Accommodate How To: Faculty at CCRI

Accommodate is a secure platform the the Community College of Rhode Island uses to manage reasonable academic accommodations. For any questions or concerns, contact Disability Services at [email protected]

Log-in Information

Faculty have access to their own portal through Single-Sign-On (SSO) to view all approved student accommodations for their course(s).  You will need access to your CCRI credentials to login. 

Login To Accommodate (Opens in a new tab)

To View Accommodation Letters

1. Click "Accommodation Letters" on the menu to the left. Letters for students who have requested accommodations for your classes will display.

2. As you click on each letter, you will see the full letter including the accommodations the student has been approved for and plans to use in your class.

3. Click the “Generate PDF” button to download a letter in PDF format.

4. For a hard copy, click the “Print Letter” button.